Topsoil Fill Dirt
Earth Haulers’ Sandy Loam Topsoil consists of Top Quality rural based soil with varying percentages of Sand, Silt and Clay. Within these ingredients lie a small percentage of organic deposits. Our topsoil and fill dirt have been tested for over 160 difference chemicals and contaminants and is located in a rural area outside the smog infested, industrialized urban areas of the metroplex. Our pH levels range from 6.0 to 8.5 in order to provide you with the best growing medium possible.
Common Fill – Has no special characteristic or blend. It can consist of 85%-95% Clay, 0%-5% Sand and 0%-10% Silt. It can also have rock, roots, or other foreign matter mixed in with it. The higher clay content often makes it a lot harder to spread. Typically, a machine is used to spread Common Fill Dirt. Common Fill Dirt has a lower cost than the Select Fill Dirt and Topsoil. It is primarily used to fill in areas that WILL NOT be used to erect a building or structure. Common Fill Dirt can settle quickly over time. Unlike Select Fill Dirt, 80% compaction is about all you can expect to obtain, even if using a pneumatic device to compact the soil. Most construction sites will use Common Fill Dirt because they have the capacity to increase the compaction percentage versus an individual.
It can be used to fill in a hole. It can be an expansive or non-expansive soil. There is no way to tell whether it is non expansive without testing Common Fill Dirt. It can be hard to spread without a machine. There is no consistency in the color of it. Some is brown, some black, some red, some white, some gray and some may have all the colors above. Sometimes you may find rock or small amounts of asphalt mixed in with the common fill. Common Fill Dirt is not suitable for building structures on it. But, it’s the most inexpensive dirt that we have.
Select Fill – Should meet the requirements of an engineer’s specification. It primarily consists of 40%-60% Clay, 20%-40% Sand and 10%-20% Silt. The higher clay content often makes it a little harder to spread, but the Sand and moisture allows it to maintain its resistance to settling over time. The Plasticity content of Select Fill Dirt should lie between 5% up to 20%, depending on the engineer’s requirement. Select Fill Dirt has a lower cost than the Topsoil. It is primarily used to fill in areas that can be used to erect a building or structure. You can expect to get at least 95% compaction if using a pneumatic device to compact the soil.
It’s almost the exact opposite of the Common Fill Dirt. It can be used to fill in a hole. It is a non-expansive soil. Select Fill Dirt is easy to identify as a non-expansive soil by its texture and the ability to make a ball of clay with it. Select fill is suitable for filling in holes and for building on top of the soil. It is a little easier to spread than common fill dirt, but still can have a little difficulty. There is more consistency in Select Fill Dirt than Common Fill Dirt. The Color and texture usually remain consistent. Some Select Fill can be Sandy, Some Select Fill Dirt can have a little more clay, but the consistency to pack and stay in place remains the same.
Black Clay Gumbo Fill Dirt – This Fill Dirt is self-explanatory. It can be used to fill in a hole. It is usually Black or Dark Brown in Color. It is a heavy clay and an expansive soil (cracks when dry). It is sometimes identified as Topsoil, but not Sandy Loam. I can be very difficult to spread Black Clay Gumbo. It is usually spread by machines. If Black Clay Gumbo dries out completely, it will take on some characteristics of concrete, or be just as hard. Occasionally you can find rocks in Black Clay Gumbo. Also, Black Clay Gumbo Dirt is often referred to as Common Fill Dirt.
Sandy Loam Topsoil – Consists of approximately 20%-40% clay, 20%-40% Sand and 10%-30% Silt* (dust sediment or particles that acts as a paste once it gets wet). Can be very easy to spread by hand screened or unscreened. Sandy Loam Topsoil can be blended with other products such as Compost to create a higher organic mixture. We recommend not using more than 3 inches of Sandy Loam Topsoil. If you have a hole more than 3 inches deep, we would recommend you use a fill dirt prior to using Topsoil.
Earth Haulers’ Sandy Loam Topsoil consists of Top Quality rural based soil with varying percentages of Sand, Silt and Clay. Within these ingredients lie a small percentage of organic deposits. Our pH levels range from 6.0 to 8.5 in order to provide you with the best growing medium possible.
We carry a variety of topsoil / dirt products including:
- Topsoil Sandy Loam
- Black Clay (Gumbo)
- Select Fill Dirt
- Common Fill Dirt
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